Foundation Three:
Personal Energy Management
At Focus Action we use the term “Personal Energy Management” to describe the pro-active process for balancing thought and emotion. Managing “personal energy” goes beyond dealing with stress or managing time. Effective emotional energy management means positive self-management- it involves a concern and caring for self that facilitates self-esteem building and positive goal achievement. Managing one’s person is essential in achieving long-lasting health and living a productive, fulfilling life.
The human body is resilient to stress. When healthy, your body effectively regulates its internal environment to maintain a balanced, stable condition of biological homeostasis. Disease and injury are the result of homeostatic imbalance.
How we think effects our body in profound ways. The quality of your thoughts can result in physical and psychological outcomes that effectively maintain homeostasis, or outcomes that ultimately result in imbalance leading to injury and disease.
Ever notice when you are stressed emotionally you may get a cold or flu, or you resort to unhealthy “comfort foods”? Through interplay between the nervous and endocrine systems, neuromuscular system, and cardiovascular and other body systems, your thoughts impact complex chains of events that enable homeostasis.
How you think can stimulate release of hormones in the body, affect changes to the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems, impact sleep quality, result in muscle contractions and tension, and have a profound effect on immune function.
Thought can lead to illness and injury, or it can enable constructive, healthy balance. The way you think gives you the capacity to maintain a healthy lifestyle of excellent nutrition and exercise and achieve empowering goals, or it can lead to emotional stress, distress to the body, and lack of lifestyle change success.
By effectively managing our thoughts, we gain greater control over our physical health.
We all have different ways of looking at the world and interpreting what is around us based on many factors. Family, religious upbringing, friends, school, culture, and government all play a role in programming, or shaping our perceptions. In many cases these personal perceptions are self-limiting and debilitating, and make positive, disease preventive lifestyle change extremely difficult.
Positive mental programming leads to desirable results, towards greater awareness of one’s body and surroundings, and empowerment to achieve healthy goals. Our Personalized Wellness Empowerment Solutions teach you step by step the nuts and bolts of positive programming, goal setting, and habit change, facilitating your success.
- Programming in your mind and how that programming impacts self-beliefs, attitudes and feelings, and behavior.
- How to create positive “Habit Routines” that enable constructive habit change and lead to higher level health, self-confidence and a sense of well-being.
- Values - what they are, and how being congruent with personal values is fundamentally important to positive habit change.
- Setting priorities and goals that are based on personal values.
- Process for consistently focusing on your goals to ensure success.
- Setting Positive Expectancy to achieve positive outcomes.
- Breathing and relaxation exercises for achieving and maintaining emotional balance.
- Setting your priorities and goals to ensure success.
- Constructing “Habit Routines” – processes that support positive habits, instill confidence and lead you to better health.
- Creating an environment of success through the people you spend time with and what you surround yourself with.
- How to consistently focus on your goals to ensure success.