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Customized Health Assessment

Customized Health Assessment

It is absolutely essential that the proper assessment be performed prior to undertaking a lifestyle change program, particularly for those under physician care with special medical needs. Joint issues, past surgeries, gastrointestinal and other medical concerns must all be considered when beginning a lifestyle change program of exercise and healthy nutrition.

All individuals participating in Focus Action Personalized Wellness Empowerment Solutions receive a Lifestyle and Health Risk Appraisal, a tool designed to increase personal awareness of health habits, attitudes and well-being. The appraisal includes questions relating to physical activity, sleep, relaxation, nutrition awareness, environmental awareness, self-expression and creativity, community involvement, automobile safety, and parenting.

Wellness Empowerment Solutions participants meet with Focus Action staff to review health history and receive state of the art fitness testing that includes flexibility, strength, aerobic fitness, heart rate, blood pressure, body-fat percentage, goniometric joint testing, and functional movement assessment. Blood screening services are also available with 24-hour results.

Focus Action programs are coordinated with care providers if necessary for safety and appropriate goal progression.